when do babies see color


? when do babies see color

Babies are born with the ability to see colors, but their color vision is not fully developed at birth. In the early weeks of life, babies' color perception is limited, and they may see the world in somewhat muted or less vibrant tones.

Around 2 to 3 months of age, most babies' color vision begins to improve. They start to distinguish between different colors and perceive a wider range of hues. By this age, they can typically see primary colors such as red, blue, and yellow more distinctly.

As babies continue to grow and develop, their color vision becomes more refined. By 4 to 6 months of age, they can perceive a broader spectrum of colors and discriminate between subtle shade differences. They gradually develop the ability to see and appreciate more complex color combinations.

It's important to note that individual babies may reach these milestones at slightly different times, as development can vary from child to child. Regular visual stimulation, exposure to a variety of colors, and interaction with their environment can support the healthy development of a baby's color vision.

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